I am pretty sure they're wrong, but they tell me I turned the big:

this weekend. I guess I could check one of the 45 copies of my birth certificate we have lying around the house (thank you adoption laws), but I'm starting to think they might be right since gray hairs are invading my head like Target shoppers on Black Friday. So, I'll just live in denial. It's a good place to be :) But anyway, if you must turn 30, this is how I suggest you do it.
Start your Friday hanging out with this girl:

She is a fantastic friend and I love her. And Brecken thinks she's pretty darn funny. And she helped me get some fun pictures of my little man in a sea of bluebonnets. But that's a post for another day. Except I'll just post one.

Or two:

He looks like he's swimming in bluebonnets. They have been especially fabulous this year.
Then have lunch with your bff from law school, Z. Didn't get to take a picture b/c the child was running crazy at this point. But that's what we have Facebook for. You can always get a random picture of your friends :)
Love you, Z. And we missed you, MK.
Dave came home from work early on Friday and we spent the evening at the Austin Arboretum, complete with picnic dinner.
Saturday we got up and had family time. Took B to a park, had pizza for lunch. Then we went home to get ready for the big fiesta.
My baby sister, Candace, lives on the 33rd floor of a condo overlooking Town Lake. We had a bunch of:
and a mariachi band:
and some mustaches to boot.
Thanks to all my friends and family who came out to celebrate. Love you guys! (and I missed all of you who couldn't be there).
So, I'm thinking at this point I am maxed out on birthday fun. But Sunday really took the cake, if you know what I mean.
Church was, well, there are no words. Powerful, moving, heart breaking. Nope, I tried, but I can't describe it. Just know it was one of the best church services I have ever been in. You can hear it at austinbible.org. We had a former Rwanda street kid, who is now a musician, Enric Sifa, give his testimony. Wow... Wow. He was a child during the Rwanda genocide. His father was murdered. Separated from his mother. Hid in the jungle. Heard killing all around him. Ended up at a refuge camp. Reunited with mom. Tried to go back home after the genocide. Mother beaten. She died a few weeks later. Now homeless. Hungry. Love for music. Beaten by strangers. Lonely. Hopeless. Found a church. Found Africa New Life Ministries. Found Jesus. Was sponsored. Sponsor sent him a guitar. Taught himself to play. Won the Rwanda "Idol." Moved to Portland. An amazing and talented musician and man of God.
(Photo compliments of...you guessed it. Facebook.)
Then he played one of his songs for us. It was written for children who are hurting. There were lots of tears and a standing ovation. Oh Lord, break my heart for the things that break yours.
His testimony was powerful for child sponsorship through Africa New Life Ministries. Check it out here: anlm.org. And check out Enric's music here: www.enricsifa.com. He is So. Very. Talented.
Then we got to hear from these amazing people.
Charles Buregeya (pictured with his wife, Florence) is the founder of Africa New Life Ministries and a pastor in Rwanda. It is absolutely amazing what that ministry has done in the lives of Rwandan children. His sermon was about dreaming for the Lord. About how God can use us for so much more than we can even imagine. About coming to the end of your life and being able to say to God...I have accomplished all you had set for me to do. Again, my words are inadequate. It was seriously powerful stuff. Please listen to it when it is up on austinbible.org.
After church, we headed to P.Terrys, an Austin favorite. B played in the sand box for forever. Candace and I went to see a movie (Steve Carell + Tina Fey = hilarity) and we topped the weekend off with a family dinner night, with these fabulous people:

and my sweet parents (not pictured, since the picture above is not from last night. We don't usually all wear black tops with jeans. I promise. And, I should really do a better job of remembering my camera), complete with fajitas and cake.
So, all in all, if this is what 30 is going to look like, I'm all in. In all seriousness, I am grateful for the first 3 decades the Lord blessed me with. I only hope that the next 3 are all about giving my life completely away, for His glory.